Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So January has been kind of a quiet month nothing has happened. Last weekend Chad and I drove my grandma and grandpa to Wendover to see Willie Neilson in concert, my grandma loves him so my dad got her tickets for Christmas she was in heaven that is all she could talk about when someone would ask her what she got for Christmas (Scott got me Willie tickets). Besides that my grandma love wendover she would go there all the time if my grandpa would take her but sense he hates that place and refuses to donate his money they don't go that often, I did win $100-,got a message and spent some much needed quiet time with Chad, Thanks MoM and DaD for watching the kidos. Monday morning I made pancakes that were shaped like MiCkEy MoUsE and Dax thought they were amazing so that was fun. No Pics from wendover but pics of pancakes.


Brianna said...

Can you believe that I have never been to Wendover?!! It seems un natural... I mean you've met my family... gambeling is in my blood! ;)

heidi said...

If I send Shawn to you will you please make him pancakes? You would be his favorite sister, forever!!!

Erin said...

Cute! Where did you get the pancake mold?