Saturday, September 12, 2009

PiCtUrEs In My RoOm

Kitchen Picture
I love this picture so much
The kitchen theme is patriotic so it
works great and I love the temple with
all the flags


Whole Wall Before
(I have 4 walls all this high)


(The art work will go on this wall)

Woo Hoo! Chad Finally hung up my picture in my room and one in the kitchen. It has not taken long I have only been waiting 1 week :o) (he is a good guy) The picture I hung in the kitchen is one I have wanted for awhile but it was to much money at Desert Book for me to just get to get because I wanted it. So I went to boutique with Danny the on Thursday and to my surprise there it was for half the price and I Bought it Ya Hoo!! Next I have so many big walls in my bedroom it is hard to know what to do with them so I started one wall at a time so here goes the first wall I love it! I still have one peace of art to hang up then it will be complete.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Looks great so do your cute kids!!