Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Fun

Our Halloween started on Wednesday with Dax's pre school party, I helped with the party it was so fun I will I had more pictures, his teacher is such a cute lady and I was so glad I got to be there the had cupcakes, played games and trick or treated with each other and at the end of the day the had a parade, little kids are so cute! Thursday we had pumpkin pizza and Halloween movies so fun! On Halloween we had a busy day we went to the park with Jill and here kids which is always fun! Right when we got to the park I took Logan out of her car seat and she had poop everywhere all over her Halloween shirt all over me and all over my car it stunk so bad so at the park she looked homeless in just her jacket.Then we went to Dan's the grocery store and they had trick or treating (score), then we headed home for naps before the busy night, that night we headed out to Chad's mom's house to visit then went to my grandparents house and then finally my parents house and my mom (yes my mom ) dressed up it was so funny Dax took one look at her and stepped back and first then he just laughed, I will have to get a picture and post it! Thanks mom for being such a fun grandma! Then we headed home for mummy dogs and home made mac and cheese (I like the box of mac and cheese better). Chad took Dax out trick or treating but they where only gone for about 35 mins (Dax said he was ready to come home he had enough candy)

1 comment:

Brianna said...

What did your mom dress up as?